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Young Ambassadors for Inclusion

I was selected to join Young Ambassadors for Inclusion to represent West Lothian.

31 January

The Young Ambassadors for Inclusion are aged between 12 and 18 and represent 22 of the 32 local authorities in Scotland. The group aims to:

  • Share young people's views and experiences of inclusion;
  • Raise awareness of Additional Support for Learning with other pupils to reduce stigma and improve understanding;
  • Improve school staffs understanding of inclusion;
  • Work together to develop ways to develop and support inclusive education.

In June, a group from young ambassadors took their messages about inclusion to the Scottish Cabinet.

We were split into two groups and were involved in developing a support pack for schools, including a short film to raise awareness of inclusion, the range of additional support needs and the impact on young people.

I was involved in making the short film. We filmed it in The Mercure Hotel in Glasgow. It took a whole day to film. The film was then edited into a short film.

I have really enjoyed being part of the Young Ambassador for Inclusion because it got my voice heard, I met lots of other people who had the same views as me. I am looking forward to continuing going forward with this.

A link to the film is below.


‘Ask Us, Hear Us, Include Us!’ (opens new window)

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