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Food and Textiles

Food and Textiles is wider under the Curriculum of Excellence and encompasses Health and Wellbeing.

We aim to build on prior knowledge by identifying and responding to needs of individual pupils and to offer a range of activities which are interesting and varied and offer a choice of learning strategies. Within Food and Textiles we aim to promote success and enjoyment and encourage Healthy Eating and Entrepreneurial Skills.

The curriculum plan is flexible so that we can readily take part in any of the "whole school" community initiatives and social development activities.

S1 - 3 will follow a programme of work which match up to the benchmarks and Experiences and 0utcomes within curriculum for excellence. The aim will be to introduce life skills and promote independence and confidence within the kitchen and also some creative and dexterity skills within Fashion and Textiles. 

S4, 5 and 6 will follow a course of study comprising of SQA National Qualifications in Hospitality that provides pupils with knowledge and skills required in the home and community and for future employment purposes.

Food and Textiles S1 - S3

Resources to help S1 - S3

National Hospitality

Resources to help with Hospitality National Courses.

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