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As part of our school / home communication strategy, Groupcalls are seen as a quick, practical way to pass on information to parents and carers. For your convenience, an archive of Groupcalls that have been sent by the school are below.

23 Sept

Pupils in S1 - S3 have received a letter home about our One Planet Picnic on 5th October, during Outdoor Learning lessons, as part of our continuing Keep Scotland Beautiful Green Flag award. 

17 Sept

All pupils in S1 have received a letter home about our S1 virtual "meet the teacher" event on Tuesday 6th October from 4 - 6pm.

7 Sept

We have developed two visuals which are displayed throughout the school and summarise the main control measures from our school risk assessment. Pupils in S1 - S3 have been issued with their own copy

1 Sept

All pupils in S1 - S3 have received home a copy of their new timetable and a letter explaining the changes which will take place from Thursday.

1 Sept

West Lothian Council FAQs have recently been updated:

31 Aug

Pupils have received home today a letter about Common Cold and COVID-19 Symptoms.

28 Aug

Updated information for parents/carers, including new guidance on face coverings in schools and school transport:

28 Aug

Just a reminder to return the Responsible Usage Agreement form and EE2 form if you have not already done so. Thank you.

25 Aug

All pupils have received home a copy of the Cedarbank School - Responsible Usage Agreement for Digital Technologies. A return is required by Tuesday 1st September.

24 Aug

All pupils have received home today a letter from NHS Lothian.

21 Aug

Just a reminder to sign and return the EE2s which were issued this week if you have not already done so, thanks.

20 Aug

Pupils have been issued with a letter regarding the procedures we have put in place to support members of the school community if anyone displays symptoms of Covid 19.

18 Aug

Consent form for local walks sent home today, please complete and return asap

14 Aug

All pupils in S2 and S3 have received a letter home about our Home-School Communication diary.

13 Aug

All pupils in S1 have received a letter home about our Home-School Communication diary.

12 Aug

All pupils in S2 and S3 have received home details of the work they are to complete when they are not in school tomorrow. A copy of the letter is also on our website.

11 Aug
S4 -  S6

We look forward to welcoming your son/daughter back to Cedarbank School on Thursday. Please do not send your child to school if they have new persistent cough, fever, or loss or change in sense of taste or smell. You should immediately begin household isolation. Please see click on link for more information:

S1 - S3

We look forward to welcoming your son/daughter back to Cedarbank School tomorrow. Please do not send your child to school if they have new persistent cough, fever, or loss or change in sense of taste or smell. You should immediately begin household isolation. Please see click on link for more information:

6 Aug

Cedarbank staff are looking forward to welcoming our pupils back next week. We are currently working through our arrangements for pupils returning to school. We will be in touch early on Monday afternoon with further information. Best wishes. Ms O'Hagan

26 June

Please find attached the link to our summer newsletter. We hope you enjoy it. Have a brilliant summer. From everyone at Cedarbank School.

26 June

‪The final Top Tip for Learning is episode 12 in cooking with Miss B.  Did you guess what she was making? Enjoy and look out for some special guest appearances.

25 June

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning comes from Mr Cox and gives everyone lots of different ways to keep fit and healthy. Since the Summer holidays are just around the corner, we will all have plenty of time to try some of the activities out.

25 June

Have a look at the resources in the DYW in the Senior Phase section on the school website. You could be working on your lifeskills during the summer with a virtual Work Placement.

25 June

Good morning, everyone. The Cedarbank School Summer Reading Challenge launches today via the website, Twitter feed (tag @CedarbankSchool and use the hashtag #cedarbanksummerreading), Group Call and the Library Team.

25 June

Sources of Support leaflets have been developed and contain contact details for a wide range of agencies and resources which may be of benefit to pupils and parents/carers during the summer. Click on the links below for further details:

Primary and Early Years:


24 June

For the attention of all pupils in the Senior Phase! Please click on the link below for details of help lines, websites and support on offer over the summer.

24 June

Top Tip for Learning - The John Muir Trust have been producing a fantastic magazine called Wild Inside which is out every Tuesday. It is free and full of lovely snippets and links to podcasts. Link is on the website and our Twitter page.

23 June

On Wednesday 24th June, your child will be set a task on the Teams group - "S4 Reg Class CB@Deans Mr Brown", please complete by Friday.

23 June

A reminder that the S3 Transition programme theme on TEAMS tomorrow at 10.25am will be what you are looking forward to at Deans CHS.

23 June

Tuesday's Top tip for Learning comes from @coolmompicks and gives 15 fantastic podcasts that families can enjoy together to help bring the curriculum to life. Link on the website or Twitter page.

22 June

Monday's Top Tip for Learning - you can now take your learning into the next level with virtual tours of Museums. Relax and look at Art, the Egyptians, Natural History and even Space. Links on our website and Twitter.

19 June

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is episode 11 in cooking with Miss B and this week is a delicious raisin cookie.  Enjoy!!!!!

18 June

Medication can be collected from Cedarbank main building.

Pupils' medication will be available for collection next Thursday 25th June between 9.15-11.00am. Any meds not collected will be taken to a pharmacy for disposal as per WLC policy guidelines. Thank you.

18 June

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning is all about finding different ways to make time for yourself. Everyone needs to think about self-care and the resource on Twitter and our website can help you to find a new way of doing so. 

17 June

Wednesday's Top Tip for Learning comes from Radio Blogging and allows pupils to listen to a different poet or author each day, play games and learn to improve their writing. Head to Twitter or our website for the link.

16 June

A reminder that the S3 Transition programme theme on Teams tomorrow at 10.25am will be CB@Deans virtual tour with uniform discussion.

16 June

Dekko Comics not only show you how to draw comic cartoon characters but they also put home learning into Comic Style for Maths, English, Science and Social Subjects. Find the link on our website or Twitter page.

15 June

Everyone wants to earn a Blue Peter Badge and now you can. The activities look great fun and can be done as a whole family !  A great way to pass some time during lockdown and in the summer holidays.  Pop to the website or twitter to for the link.

12 June

Please head to our website or Twitter feed for details of contact numbers for support services which can offer help for families.

12 June

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is episode 10 in Cooking with Miss B and a delicious easy to make savoury treat is on the menu. Enjoy!!!

11 June

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning comes from Sleep Scotland and gives some helpful tips on how to get a restful sleep at night. Many young people can find sleeping difficult when they are feeling stressed and anxious, and parents and carers may feel that they need advice on how to support their child. Sleep Scotland have a support line which families can call for advice. Head to website or Twitter for details.

10 June

Tuesday's Top Tip for Learning comes from Mr McLean and gives some great advice on how to have fun and be safe whilst using IT. If you have any more ideas or suggestions we would love to hear them. Head to the website or Twitter.

9 June

As well as Wednesday's S3 Transition focus, there will be an extra transition lesson on Thursday 11th June period 3 on Teams. Please try to join this lesson, thank you.

9 June

Tuesday's Top Tip for Learning is from The Scottish National Centre for Languages and they have challenged you to draw a rainbow for our NHS and front line workers but with the colours named in a different language. It would be great to see the rainbows on Teams or on Twitter.

8 June

Please look on Twitter/school website for a virtual tour of Cedarbank@Deans. If you are currently in S3 please watch the Sway before the Teams meeting at 10.25 on Wednesday 10th June.

8 June

Monday's Top Tip for Learning is all about looking to the stars during the month of June to see some phenomenal wonders of nature.

5 June

Friday's Top Tip for Learning  is episode 9 in Cooking with Miss B and this week is a delicious sweet treat.  Keep watching right until the end for an exciting challenge.

4 June

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning is about getting creative in the garden and growing food from your scraps. A fun way to reduce waste and help the environment too. Head to the website and Twitter page for ideas. Enjoy!!!

3 June

Wednesday's Top Tip is focusing on self care for pupils, parents/carers and staff. We all need to remember to look after our own mental health as well as that of our family and friends. Try to do one thing a day that is just for you! Head to the website and Twitter page for ideas.

2 June

Tuesday's Top Tip for Learning is another challenge! Can you complete 30 Lifeskills activities this month? Head to our website or Twitter page for more information.

1 June

01 06 2020 S2 Report Letter (PDF) [139KB] (opens new window)

Today's Top Tip for Learning is about having a Joyful June even in these difficult times. Use the calendar every day and do one activity which makes you feel good. Check out the website and Twitter. Have fun and welcome to June!!!

29 May

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is episode 8 in cooking with Miss B and this time we're off to Mexico. Watch out for some special guest appearances.

28 May

Today's Top Tip for Learning is all about spending time enjoying books and how it can help to reduce stress. Roald Dahl HQ have a series of videos where various celebrities read some of his wonderful stories. A great way to relax and unwind. Head to the website and Twitter for the link.

27 May

27 05 2020 S3 Transition Letter (PDF) [197KB] (opens new window)

Wednesday's Top Tip for Learning comes from Ikea and gives some great ideas on how to build 5 different dens at home. Since this is our virtual camp week we thought that you would love to use your problem solving skills to have a go at building them. Head to our website or Twitter page for ideas.

26 May

Our Top Tip for Learning has come from Mr Cox and is Cedarbank's Virtual Camp 2020.  Since we can't be together this year at Dounans Centre, we've brought camp to you! Head to Twitter or our website to see all the activities.

25 May

Our Top Tip for Learning continues with the theme of kindness to others and ourselves. Head to our website or Twitter page for beautiful article of it's importance.

22 May

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is about how mud can be used to make art and how it can be good for your mental health. Enjoy!!!!

21 May

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning Is more great ways to make use of the great outdoors.  It's #outdoorclassroomday today so it's the perfect opportunity to use nature to learn.

20 May

Our second Top Tip for Learning for Outdoor Learning Week is for our One Planet Picnic. Try to enjoy a picnic of local foods in your house or garden. It would be great to see some of your pictures shared on our Twitter page.

19 May

Our Top Tips for Learning this week come from Mr Thompson for our Outdoor Learning Week. Each day there will be lots of suggested activities to get all of our pupils and staff outside enjoying nature. We hope you have fun!!!

15 May

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is episode 7 of cooking with Miss B. This week's treat is something holey delicious, we hope you enjoy them. The link to the video is on the website and Twitter.

14 May

Sky Academy Studio is challenging pupils to create a video to tell their lockdown story & share how they're feeling during the Coronavirus pandemic. Head to our website and Twitter page for the link.

13 May

Top Tip for Learning is from Mrs Clark and gives a fun way to stay happy while you work.  Pop over to our website or Twitter to find out what she suggests.

13 May

A wee reminder that Monday 18th May is a school holiday.

12 May

Tuesday's Top Tip for Learning is all about the benefits of physical exercise on our mental health. It's so important to look after our minds as well as our bodies.

11 May

Monday's Top Tip for Learning is another 25 activities from @HeyPobble to get the whole family away from their screens 

and being creative together.  Have fun!!!!

8 May

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is episode 6 in our fabulous Miss Ballantyne's cooking videos. Enjoy your wee taste of Italy!

7 May

Today's Top Tip for Learning is about how to access free online library books for West Lothian Libraries. Please check the website and Twitter for details.

6 May

Top Tip for Learning is the Action for Happiness Well-being Calendar which gives 31 different ways to look after ourselves in May. Please see the website or Twitter for the link.

6 May

Unfortunately our camp at Dounans will not be taking place at the end of May. We are delighted to let everyone know that Dounans has moved our booking to the 31st May - 4th June 2021.  All the monies that have been paid will transfer to the new dates in 2021.  The cost of the weeks' residential will remain the same. Further information on Camp 2021 will come out in September.

1 May

Just a reminder that Monday is a bank holiday and Tuesday is an in service day so pupils are not required to work from home until Wednesday.

1 May

Friday's Top Tip for Learning is episode 5 in Miss Ballantyne's cooking videos.  Today she makes chocolate truffles!!! Look out for a showcase of pupil work at the end.

30 April

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning is from the Scottish Book Trust and their authors Live on Demand web page. These resources are free and you can access the link on our website and Twitter page.

29 April

Wednesday's Top Tip for Learning is a special treat for all our pupils! We know that you will be missing all the staff at Cedarbank very much and we wanted to show you that we feel the same. Pop over to the school website where we have a special message for you.

28 April

Tuesday's Top Tip for Learning comes from West Lothian Council and their new  'INspired' resource.  The link for the resource can be found on our website or Twitter page.

27 April

Monday's Top Tip for Learning comes from the Royal Horticultural Society and gives some great ideas to get everyone outside and help save the bees by building a homemade bee hotel in your garden. Our school website has links to the activity.

24 April

Today's Top Tip for Learning is the next cooking video from Miss Ballantyne on our Twitter feed and on the school website.

23 April

Thursday's Top Tip for Learning is some creative ways to get the whole family having some fun away from computers. We would love to see some pictures of the activities you choose to do. There will be some more ideas next week.

22 April

Wednesday's Top Tip for Learning is about the importance of supporting each other. Our website and Twitter page have ideas on how you can do this

21 April

Tuesday's Top Tip for Learning: Please check the newsletter from our Active Schools Co-ordinator on the school website and Twitter, which gives lots of ways to stay active at home.

20 April

Welcome back and we hope you had an enjoyable Easter break. For our Top Tip for Learning, please see the Public Service Announcement for home schooling tips which is on our Twitter feed and school website.

3 April

Ms O'Hagan and all the staff of Cedarbank School would like to wish our amazing pupils and their families a very Happy Easter! We are all so sad that we cannot be together today for our Easter assembly and Easter egg hunt. It will shortly be time to log off from TEAMs / put your home learning packs away and enjoy the next two weeks the very best you can. Take care and keep safe!

3 April

Information regarding what is happening with our school camp at the end of May will be coming out to all parents/carers by the end of the first week back after the Easter holidays. Kind regards, Ms O'Hagan

3 April

Our last Top Tip for Learning for this term is all about the importance of taking care of our minds during this worrying time. You will find all the details in the Home Learning Tips section of our website.

3 April

If you have set up the autopay function within ipayimpact to allow for regular payments to be made into the school please can you deactivate the function to ensure that no further instalments are paid for the time being.

2 April

ENABLE Works - NEW SERVICE LAUNCHED - Stepping Up LIVE. You can find details on our website in the current links & documents section.

2 April

Today's top tip for learning includes ways to look after ourselves and each other as we face this global crisis together. Details can be found on our Twitter page and website.

1 April

The link to the Education Covid 19 page is:

This link includes a summary of the online learning which is currently  taking place along with links to activities that families can be using over the Easter holidays. 

1 April

The Speech & Language Therapy Service have sent a letter regarding their service during the Covid-19 outbreak. You can find it on our website in the current links & documents section.

1 April

Our very own Ms B is back with another fabulous cookery lesson. Today she is demonstrating mini Easter egg nests with a special fishy guest appearance! See our website for the video!

31 March

The Educational Psychology Service is launching a new telephone support service to help provide advice and consultation to West Lothian families during these unusual times. Details can be found on our school website.

31 March

Our website has been updated with a message from Sam at SDS. It can be found in the Parent/Carer zone.

31 March

Today's Top Tip for Learning comes from Miss Smith our Literacy Coordinator and is all about how reading is good for your body and mind. More details on our website.

30 March

New links and resources have been added to the Music section of our school website in the Pupils Resources page.

30 March

Today's top tip for learning: Mr Brown and Mr Stewart have created some top tips for mental health while home learning. These can be found on the Pupil Zone of our website.

27 March

Today's top tip for learning is from our fabulous HE teacher Ms B and can be found on our school website. Enjoy!

26 March

Free audio books, virtual tours of museums & other resources! Find links for pupils and families to access on the "Pupils Resources (Websites)" page of our website.

24 March

If any parent/carer has any issues /questions regarding home learning please email the school office via the website. We are checking the school inbox in the morning and afternoon. Your message will be forwarded to the appropriate member of staff who will get back to you in due course. Please note that from today the school office will not be manned.

20 March

Pupils will be coming home today with their Home Learning Packs as detailed in today's letter regarding school closures. For any pupil who is not in school today we will be posting home their Home Learning Packs.

20 March

Pupils have been issued with a letter regarding school closures. A copy is also on our school website.

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