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Post School Transitions

Throughout your child's time at Cedarbank, we will develop the core knowledge and skills needed for life and work.

Our curriculum

We have a number of links with partners and offer employer talks and Developing the Young Workforce activities and opportunities in S1 to 3. In the Senior phase young people will experience work tasters and work experience. All of our young people also study the employability, mental health and wellbeing and independent living awards. Please be assured that we are preparing your child for post school transition through our curriculum opportunities from S1 to 6.

You will be invited to transitions meetings to discuss the next steps for your child. Specifically focused transition meetings tend to happen the year that your child is leaving school. However, if you would like to discuss transition arrangements at any other point, please get in touch.


Working with Partners

In Cedarbank, our Skills Development Scotland advisor Yvonne Carson spends time in the school every Thursday.  SDS do group work with our young people in their journey from S3 to 6 and meet individually with young people to explore options for the future and support in the application and interview process. SDS are also available for our young people once they have left school and will provide help and advice. 

Some identified young people also receive targeted support from an organisation called Enable.  Glenn from Enable Works is based in the school one day a week and provides additional assistance for young people who may find the transition out of school challenging.  This work is supported through our Pupil Equity Funding. Glenn has also provided the latest Stepping Up Brochure. Stepping Up Brochure (PDF, 5 MB)(opens new window)

Adult Social Care now have a key worker linked with the school called Greig Cochrane.   While parents/carers can contact ASCET directly  the school can arrange communication and advice directly with the team through our link worker.

Parent Council

Our Parent Council organised an online session this year with Cesar and Howie with regard to information on Guardianship.  They hope to run this session again next year.

Information on guardianship is also available on the support websites below.  Carers of West Lothian can also provide useful support with this.

Arc Compass

Compass (opens new window) is an online tool to help young people in Scotland, their parents and carers, and the professionals who support them, with the transition to young adult. You need to sign up for an account. This is available for parent/carers , young people and professionals. It is a very comprehensive tool that signposts relevant information and supports that are useful for transition.

Meet The Staff

Yvonne Carson

Yvonne Carson (SDS)

Glenn Thomson

Glenn Thomson(Enable)

Greig Cochrane

Greig Cochrane (Adult Social Care)

Useful Links

Skills Development Scotland  Skills Development Scotland (opens new window)   Tel 0800 917 8000

ASCET ( Adult social care enquiry team) 01506 284848

Enable Works   Enable (opens new window)

Enquire (information for parents/carers for young people with additional support needs) (opens new window) tel: 0345 123 2303

Independent Living Fund (transitions) - eligible to young people aged 16-25   Independent Living Fund Scotland (opens new window)

Contact's Talking About Tomorrow website  Talking About Tomorrow (opens new window)

Citizen's Advice Scotland   Citizens Advice Scotland (opens new window)

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