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P7 - S1 Transitions

P7 to S1 transition process

Head Teacher receives notification from WL Council of pupil place at Cedarbank.

Depute Head Teacher (DHT) arranges introduction Child Planning Meeting (CPM) with parents/carers with feeder Primary and any agencies involved. If appropriate DHT or Principal Teacher (PT) attends meeting in Primary prior to end of summer term.

Feeder Primary completes Transfer of Information form and sends to DHT prior to meeting date. Primary documents are also transferred eg Individual Education Plan (IEP)

CPM takes place in Cedarbank. New pupil attends and has tour of school with Pupil Support Worker.

Photo of pupil taken at meeting. This is included in pupil information shared with teaching and non-teaching staff, along with a profile of the pupil.

Cedarbank information shared at the meeting includes:

  • Navigation of school website and X on school website
  • Handbook for parents
  • Pupil handbook with activities and "Getting to know me" sheet for completion by pupil
  • Consent forms for completion including photographic permissions, medication form and local walks EE2 form
  • Key dates for S1 pupils
  • Outline of S1 timetable and Cedarbank ethos
  • Social story is appropriate
  • Phone number and time to call PT with any queries
  • Settling in CPM with affiliated Educational Psychologist - scheduled for Sept/Oct

Transition programme is issued to Primary school. Transport is organised by Primary and Primary staff may attend to support if appropriate.

Transition, which takes prior to the summer holiday break, usually consists of:

  • 2 taster sessions with active tasks
  • Individual visits if required for additional support
  • 2 timetabled days in Cedarbank
  • Parent/carer cafĂ© with presentation from HT/DHT included
  • Introduction to pupil buddy and key staff

Parents/ carers and pupils are advised of suitable home-school communication routes and supports in order to enhance the success of the transition

Evaluation of transition with parents/carers and feeder primary is completed through questionnaires issued near end of transition.

Pupils integrated into Cedarbank at other times will have a transition programme as appropriate to needs and transport availability.

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