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Useful Links

West Lothian Council have provided some support information for all parents and carers and for those with caring responsibilities for children with autism.


Anxiety UK       

Text: 07537 416 905  

Telephone: 03444775774

Clam Harm

Care for the Family

Carers of West Lothian


Telephone: 0800 1111


Mind UK        

Parents Together West Lothian


Telephone: 116 123

Scottish Autism

West Lothian Foodbank       

West Space

Young Scot    

Young Minds

CAMHS have produced two helpful videos to help with stress.

CALL Scotland help children and young people across Scotland to overcome disability and barriers to learning created by their environment, and to fulfil their potential.

For the latest news from CALL Scotland, please see their blog from the link below.


Particularly useful is the free software for use at home.

Here is an update from CALL about recent resources they been developing.


We have updated the poster 'ChromeBook Apps and Extensions for Learners with Dyslexia' (from a wall of apps to a wheel): Call Scotland - ChromeBook Apps and Extensions for Learners with Dyslexia (opens new window)

There's a new poster on the brilliant VI accessibility tools in Windows 10: Call Scotland - Using Windows 10 'Accessibility' Tools to Support Learners with Visual Difficulties (opens new window)

There are some fantastic new Bookbug symbolised resources (Primary 1 family bag) on the Symbols for All section of the CALL website: Primary 1 family bag symbolised resources (opens new window)

And we have a new Word Prediction guide - hot off the press - to download: Call Scotland - A Guide to Word Prediction (opens new window)

Kathleen Morrison from Fife Council has demonstrated the excellent OneNote resource as part of the CALL webinar programme 'Supporting ASN Learners: Fife's Innovative Use of OneNote Notebooks as a 'one Stop Shop' for Information and Resources' not to be missed!!!: Call Scotland - Supporting ASN Learners (opens new window)

Call Scotland have information and advice pages for specific additional support needs

Autistic Spectrum Conditions

Call Scotland - Autism Spectrum Conditions (opens new window)

Communication Support Needs

Call Scotland - Communication Support Needs (opens new window)


Call Scotland - Dyslexia (opens new window)

Physical Support Needs

Call Scotland - Physical Support Needs (opens new window)

Severe and Complex Needs

Call Scotland - Severe & Complex Support Needs (opens new window)

Visual Impairment

Call Scotland - Visual Impairment (opens new window)

In addition, they have a variety of courses, webinars and other training events available

Call Scotland - Training (opens new window)

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