Here are a series of worksheets on musical instruments from
Musical Instruments (opens new window)
Music Theory
CFE Music Theory Book (PDF, 3 MB)(opens new window)
Senior Phase
Here are some concept diaries for you to note when you have heard a particular musical concept or instrument.
National 3 Concept Diary (Word doc, 135 KB)(opens new window)
National 4 Concept Diary (Word doc, 161 KB)(opens new window)
National 5 Concept Diary (Word doc, 138 KB)(opens new window)
Useful Links
Please find below some useful websites.
Ukulele Tuner (opens new window)
Ukulele Chord Table (opens new window)
Ukulele Songs List (opens new window)
More Ukulele Songs (opens new window)
Chrome Music Lab (opens new window)
These links are particularly useful for Senior Phase pupils
My Music Online (opens new window)
A to Z of Musical Concepts (opens new window)
BBC Bitesize National 5 Music (opens new window)